Interns who graduate from any of our programs have proven their excellence and credibility regarding the educational standards set by SCI. Graduates may find work as Certified Corporate Intercessors, Registered Corporate Intercessors or Master Corporate Intercessors. SHIFT Global Operations is always looking for Corporate Intercessors with various designations. Graduates may also find with their newly acquired skillset, opportunities available to integrate in church or missions enterprises where intercession is considered invaluable.


Prerequisites Hourly Wage Min. Time-frame Bonuses
SCI Intern Intercession 101 $16/hour 30min, 2.5hrs a week Intimacy bonus
Certified Corporate Intercessor Certificate in Intercessory Studies $20/hour 30min, 2.5hrs a week Intimacy bonus+more
Registered Corporate Intercessor Diploma of Intercession $30/hour 45min, 3.75hrs a week Intimacy bonus+more
Master Corporate Intercessor Mastery Diploma of Global Intercession $40/hour 60min, 5hrs a week Intimacy bonus+more